I found a new tool to add to my coaching toolbox. This week, I read an article about what makes a masterful coach. One of the principles included in this article was applying the “neoteric principle.” This was the first time I heard this term, so I spent some time googling it … and I actually did not find much on it. In fact, the first thing that popped up on my google search was the exact article that led me to research it further. That wasn’t quite was I was expecting to find, but heck, I’ll try something neoteric by throwing the neoteric principle in my coaching toolbox – even though I can’t find much quick research on it! The article described the neoteric principle as seeing things in a fresh new way. Leaders and coaches can keep conversations engaging by approaching conversations in fresh new ways and not be so hung up on the concepts and the methods. The unpredictability can work. So, I’ll throw it in my coaching toolbox and see what happens. That’s so neoteric of me, isn’t it?!
Try Something New - I Dare You
Updated: Sep 25, 2020